Illuminating Perspectives: Finding Light in the Darkness


Illuminating Perspectives
Finding Light in the Darkness

A Simple Yet Profound Quote

In the hustle and bustle of university life, amidst the flurry of lectures and assignments, there was a simple yet profound saying that caught my eye. Hanging on the wall of my university was a quote attributed to a Chinese philosopher: "It is better to light a small candle than to curse the darkness." This wisdom echoed the sentiments of Dumbledore, the wise headmaster from J.K. Rowling's beloved Harry Potter series, who famously said, “Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”

These words sparked a train of thought within me. How often do we find ourselves consumed by negativity, allowing it to overshadow everything else? Life throws its fair share of challenges our way, but in those moments, perhaps all we need to do is light that metaphorical candle or flip the switch to illuminate our perspectiveImagine a bad situation in your life. Now, picture yourself lighting a small candle in that darkness. Suddenly, things don't seem quite so bad, right? That's the power of perspective. It's like seeing the world from a different angle, a new dimension.

The Power of Shifting Viewpoints

Shifting our viewpoint, looking at things from different angles, can work wonders. It reminds me of a story I once came across. A speaker at a college placed an object in the centre of the stage and called up two students, one Black and one White. They were asked the object's colour. The Black student said "white," the White student said "black." Everyone thought it was because of race, a racist misunderstanding. But then, the speaker asked them to switch sides. Guess what? The Black student now saw "black" and the White student "white." The object? Half white, half black!

This story shows how our perspective limits what we see. Just like the students, we might be stuck in our own "darkness" because of a disagreement. Maybe it's a fight with a friend, a boss who seems unfair, or rules that feel annoying. But what if we considered the other person's experiences?

Reevaluating Rules and Regulations

Take, for example, the rules and regulations that govern our institutions. At times, it's easy to view them as arbitrary hurdles designed to make life difficult. However, a shift in perspective reveals that these measures often serve a purpose, whether it's ensuring the safety of all involved or maintaining order for the smooth functioning of the system.

Embracing Diverse Perspective

It all boils down to perspective. By acknowledging the limitations of our own viewpoints and embracing the diversity of thought around us, we can begin to see the light in even the darkest of situations. It's about turning on that light switch, both metaphorically and literally, and illuminating our surroundings with understanding, empathy, and open-mindedness.

Light within You

So, the next time you find yourself grappling with darkness, remember: it's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. And who knows? You might just discover that the light you seek has been within you all along. 


MPhil - Clinical Psychology


  1. Thank you for this post. Reading it felt like a candle's warmth.


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