Traversing Trauma: A Simplified Overview


Traversing Trauma: A Simplified Overview

Dr Bessel van der Kolk's influential book, "The Body Keeps the Score," explores how trauma impacts our mental well-being, physical health, and interpersonal connections. Let’s delve into some of the key concepts more deeply.

Understanding Trauma

We often associate trauma with war veterans or survivors of abuse, but its grasp extends far wider. The unseen wounds of trauma can stem from a wider range of experiences, like the quiet neglect of childhood, the sudden shock of an accident, the raw terror of a natural disaster, or the chilling presence of violence.

These events overwhelm the brain's natural ability to process and integrate them, leaving deep imprints on both our minds and bodies. It's as if the experience gets stuck, like a record player with a scratched track, replaying itself in the form of emotional distress or physical symptoms.

The Body's Response

Trauma doesn't just leave its mark on our psyche. It often manifests in very real physical ways. We might experience persistent anxiety, a knot of tension in our stomach, or chronic pain that seems to have no medical explanation.  Rather than viewing these symptoms as weaknesses, we can understand them as our body's valiant attempts to cope with the unresolved trauma. It's a powerful reminder of the intricate link between our mind and body – what affects one, inevitably affects the other.


Recovery from trauma involves reconnecting cognitive functions with bodily sensations. Healing from trauma is not a straight shot. It's a journey with twists and turns, marked by both progress and setbacks. There's no shame in these setbacks – they're simply part of the process.  The key lies in rebuilding the bridge between our thinking mind and our body's sensations. Therapies like EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing), somatic experiencing, and mindfulness practices can be powerful tools in this journey. They help us untangle the knots of trauma, release the trapped energy it creates, and begin to make sense of what happened.

But healing isn't just about individual techniques. It's also about fostering healthy relationships and cultivating a sense of safety, both within ourselves and with others.  Having a supportive network and feeling secure in our environment creates fertile ground for healing to take root.

Don't forget

Healing from trauma is a nonlinear process requiring patience, self-compassion, and perseverance—it's a journey marked by progress and setbacks rather than a fixed destination.

Seeking professional guidance and support is essential for navigating the complexities of trauma, offering invaluable insights and resources to aid in the healing process.

This concise overview barely scratches the surface of Dr Van der Kolk's profound insights and discoveries. For those eager to delve deeper into understanding trauma and its effects, exploring the book or additional resources on trauma and recovery can provide further enlightenment and guidance.

Reference: Kolk, V. D., & Bessel, A. (2014). The body keeps the score: brain, mind, and body in the healing of trauma.


MPhil - Clinical Psychology


  1. Really insightful article about trauma!


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